Product Description
The ff Professional is a unique design consisting of an internal resonator, a "sounding chamber" constructed around their unique tone ring (see the photos). The earliest ff Professionals were made for Bacon by Fairbanks-Vega, the later ones, like this one, by Rettberg and Lange, makers of Orpheum and Paramount, as can be seen by the very Orpheum-like abalone inlays in the fretboard and peghead. This one is a very rare top-of-the-line out of white holly with French polish finish. The rim is 11 ½", scale is 28", and it comes in it's original hard shell heavy leather, elaborately form fit case, which is the most incredible vintage case that we or you have ever seen, original cost $18. The banjo is fully original, though the original tuners with solid pearl knobs are in the case and gold 10:1 Ricards and geared fifth are installed. The tailpiece is the original Bacon-Kershner Special engraved tailpiece.